AreaSeriesTypes: {
    Bipolar: typeof AreaSeriesBipolar;
    Negative: typeof AreaSeriesNegative;
    Positive: typeof AreaSeriesPositive;
} = ...

Collection of AreaSeries implementations.

Used when creating an AreaSeries with addAreaSeries. Selected option tells what the returned Series type will be - different Series types can have different APIs !

  • Select AreaSeriesTypes.Positive to show only area above the baseline.
  • Select AreaSeriesTypes.Negative to show only area below the baseline.
  • Select AreaSeriesTypes.Both to show both areas from both sides of the baseline.

Type declaration

  • Bipolar: typeof AreaSeriesBipolar

    Type of AreaSeries that shows data on both sides of baseline.

    Has individual styles for positive/negative areas.

  • Negative: typeof AreaSeriesNegative

    Type of AreaSeries that only shows data that is below the baseline.

  • Positive: typeof AreaSeriesPositive

    Type of AreaSeries that only shows data that is above the baseline.