Interface that describes API for configuring data cleaning. There are a multitude of different basis' of configuring automatic data cleaning.

Data cleaning by minDataPointCount:

Specifying minDataPointCount enables lazy cleaning of data that is outside view as long as the remaining data amount doesn't go below the configured threshold.

 // Example syntax for specifying minDataPointCount
series.setDataCleaning({ minDataPointCount: 10000 })

Usage of minDataPointCount is recommended in most common applications that require automatic data cleaning. The actual value is often not very particular, just setting it above 0 to enable it is usually enough (lazy data cleaning of out of view data).

Partially supported data cleaning configurations:

These syntaxes are supported by only some select series types, refer to that particular series' API documentation to learn more.

Data cleaning by maxDataPointCount:

Specifying maxDataPointCount results in data cleaning always happening exactly when total data amount exceeds the supplied threshold.

 // Example syntax for specifying maxDataPointCount
series.setDataCleaning({ maxDataPointCount: 10000 })

maxDataPointCount is usually used in memory limited applications to prevent running out of memory.

maxDataPointCount is currently only supported by only select series:

If the feature receives good support and usage from the user base, it might be expanded to all series types in a future release.


  • SeriesWithDataCleaning

Implemented by



  • Disable automatic data cleaning.

     // Example syntax, disable data cleaning.


    Object itself for fluent interface.


    • arg: undefined

      Data cleaning configuration.

    Returns SeriesWithDataCleaning

  • Enable automatic data cleaning by minDataPointCount configuration.

    Specifying minDataPointCount enables lazy cleaning of data that is outside view as long as the remaining data amount doesn't go below the configured threshold.

     // Example syntax for specifying minDataPointCount
    series.setDataCleaning({ minDataPointCount: 10000 })

    Usage of minDataPointCount is recommended in most common applications that require automatic data cleaning. The actual value is often not very particular, just setting it above 0 to enable it is usually enough (lazy data cleaning of out of view data).

     // Example, enable lazy data cleaning of out of view data.
    series.setDataCleaning({ minDataPointCount: 1 })


    Object itself for fluent interface.


    • arg: {
          minDataPointCount: undefined | number;

      Data cleaning configuration.

      • minDataPointCount: undefined | number

    Returns SeriesWithDataCleaning