Interface to define secondary miscellaneous properties of a LUT.


  • ValuePaletteOptions


color: Color

Fallback color, which is used if LUT steps are defined as empty or defined incorrectly.

Default value: Black.

interpolate: boolean

Interpolation behavior of the LUT, which describes the distribution of color for the data:

  • True: LUT creates a gradient LUT using linear-interpolation (LERP) between colors, which were defined in the collection of steps.
  • False: LUT creates a uniform LUT using step-function for each color to describe the range of values where this color is used.

Default value: true.

title: string

Title of the LUT, which describes the visualization.

Default value: Empty string.

units: string

Units of the data-values in the LUT, which describes the data domain.

Default value: Empty string.