Interface for all properties of a TriangulatedPoints3D.


  • TriangulatedPoints3DProperties


fillStyle: FillStyle

FillStyle for rendering the points.

shape: "cube" | "sphere"

Shape of rendered points.

size: number | Coord3D

Points size.

Supports two types number or Coord3D:


Symmetric size as normalized World Units (roughly equal to pixels).


User supplies size on each Axis, X, Y and Z individually, as Axis coordinates.

 // Example syntax, 3D point size in Axis dimensions.
pointSeries3D.setPointStyle(new TriangulatedPoints3D({
size: { x: 10, y: 5, z: 200 },
shape: 'sphere',
fillStyle: new SolidFill({ color: ColorRGBA(255, 0, 0) })
wireframeStyle: LineStyle

LineStyle for rendering geometry wireframe.