Series type for visualizing a collection of { x, y, z } coordinates by different markers

PointSeries3D is optimized for massive amounts of data - here are some reference specs to give an idea:

  • A static data set in millions data points range is rendered in hundreds of milliseconds (~200ms). Afterwards chart can be rotated and zoomed with 60 FPS.
  • With streaming data, even millions of data points can be streamed in every second, while retaining an interactive document.

Creating PointSeries3D:

PointSeries3D are created with addPointSeries method.

Some properties of PointSeries3D can only be configured when it is created. These arguments are all optional, and are wrapped in a single object parameter:

 // Example,
const pointSeries3D = Chart3D.addPointSeries({
// Enable individual data points size.
individualPointSizeEnabled: true

To learn about available properties, refer to PointSeriesOptions3D.

Frequently used methods:

  • Append data points to series | add
  • Remove all data points from series | clear
  • Configure style of points | setPointStyle
  • Destroy series permanently | dispose

Color shading style.

By default, PointSeries3D uses Phong shading style.

This can be changed with PointSeries3D.setColorShadingStyle(new ColorShadingStyles.Simple())

Related information:

There is another series type for visualizing large sets of 3D coordinates with markers: PointCloudSeries3D

PointCloudSeries3D works otherwise same, except that it has simplified render process (all markers are 2D geometry), which is faster and can be really powerful in visualizing large low-detail data sets!




_shadingStyle: ColorShadingStyle = _phongShadingStyle


  • Append a single XYZ coordinate or list of coordinates into the series.

     // Example, add single data point.
    pointSeries.add({ x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 })

    // Example, add list of data points.
    { x: 0, y: 100, z: 50 },
    { x: 10, y: 50, z: 150 },
    { x: 20, y: 75, z: 100 },

    Performance-wise, it is more efficient to call add just 1 time with an Array of points, instead of calling add several times with 1 point at a time.

    Data points can also be grouped with extra optional properties:

    • size | Point size.
    • color | Point color.
    • value | Point value for dynamic coloring.

    setPointStyle method documentation contains detailed information about each of these features and how to use them.


    Object itself for fluent interface.


    Returns PointSeries3D

  • Attach object to an legendBox entry


    Object itself for fluent interface


    • entry: LegendBoxEntry<UIBackground>

      Object which has to be attached

    • Optional toggleVisibilityOnClick: boolean

      Flag that indicates whether the Attachable should be hidden or not, when its respective Entry is clicked.

    Returns PointSeries3D

  • Clear all previously pushed data points from the series.

     // Example usage


    Object itself for fluent interface.

    Returns PointSeries3D

  • Permanently destroy the component.

    To fully allow Garbage-Collection to free the resources used by the component, make sure to remove any references to the component and its children in application code.

    let chart = ...ChartXY()
    let axisX = chart.getDefaultAxisX()
    // Dispose Chart, and remove all references so that they can be garbage-collected.
    chart = undefined
    axisX = undefined


    Object itself for fluent interface

    Returns PointSeries3D

  • Get component highlight animations enabled or not.


    Animation enabled?

    Returns boolean

  • Get whether series is taken into account with automatic scrolling and fitting of attached axes.

    By default, this is true for all series.


    true default, axes will take series into account in scrolling and fitting operations. false, axes will ignore series boundaries.

    Returns boolean

  • Get 3D depth test enabled for this series.

    By default this is enabled, meaning that any series that is rendered after this series and is behind this series will not be rendered.

    Can be disabled to alter 3D rendering behavior.


    Depth test enabled?

    Returns boolean

  • Get theme effect enabled on component or disabled.

    A theme can specify an Effect to add extra visual oomph to chart applications, like Glow effects around data or other components. Whether this effect is drawn above a particular component can be configured using the setEffect method.

     // Example, disable theme effect from a particular component.

    For the most part, theme effects are enabled by default on most components.

    Theme effect is configured with effect property.


    Boolean that describes whether drawing the theme effect is enabled around the component or not.

    Returns boolean

  • Get state of component highlighting.

    In case highlight animations are enabled, this method returns the unanimated highlight value.


    Number between 0 and 1, where 1 is fully highlighted.

    Returns number

  • Get boolean flag for whether object should highlight on mouse hover


    Boolean for if object should highlight on mouse hover or not.

    Returns boolean

  • Get boolean flag for whether object is currently under mouse or not


    Boolean for is object under mouse currently

    Returns boolean

  • Get mouse interactions enabled or disabled. Disabled mouse-interactions will naturally prevent mouse-driven highlighting from ever happening.


    Mouse interactions state

    Returns boolean

  • Get the name of the Component.


    The name of the Component.

    Returns string

  • Get amount of points that series currently has.


    Number of points

    Returns number

  • Get element visibility.


    true when element is set to be visible and false otherwise.

    Returns boolean

  • Returns

    Max X value of the series

    Returns undefined | number

  • Returns

    Min X value of the series

    Returns undefined | number

  • Returns

    Max Y value of the series

    Returns undefined | number

  • Returns

    Min Y value of the series

    Returns undefined | number

  • Returns

    Max Z value of the series

    Returns undefined | number

  • Returns

    Min Z value of the series

    Returns undefined | number

  • Remove event listener from dispose event.


    True if the listener is successfully removed and false if it is not found


    • token: Token

      Token of event listener which has to be removed

    Returns boolean

  • Unsubscribe from Highlight object event. This is called whenever an object is highlighted


    True if the unsubscription was successful.


    • token: Token

      Token that was received when subscribing to the event.

    Returns boolean

  • Remove event listener from Mouse Click Event


    True if the listener is successfully removed and false if it is not found


    • token: Token

      Token of event listener which has to be removed

    Returns boolean

  • Remove event listener from Mouse Double Click Event


    True if the listener is successfully removed and false if it is not found


    • token: Token

      Token of event listener which has to be removed

    Returns boolean

  • Remove event listener from Mouse Down Event


    True if the listener is successfully removed and false if it is not found


    • token: Token

      Token of event listener which has to be removed

    Returns boolean

  • Remove event listener from Mouse Drag Event


    True if the listener is successfully removed and false if it is not found


    • token: Token

      Token of event listener which has to be removed

    Returns boolean

  • Remove event listener from Mouse Drag Start Event


    True if the listener is successfully removed and false if it is not found


    • token: Token

      Token of event listener which has to be removed

    Returns boolean

  • Remove event listener from Mouse Drag Stop Event


    True if the listener is successfully removed and false if it is not found


    • token: Token

      Token of event listener which has to be removed

    Returns boolean

  • Remove event listener from Mouse Enter Event


    True if the listener is successfully removed and false if it is not found


    • token: Token

      Token of event listener which has to be removed

    Returns boolean

  • Remove event listener from Mouse Leave Event


    True if the listener is successfully removed and false if it is not found


    • token: Token

      Token of event listener which has to be removed

    Returns boolean

  • Remove event listener from Mouse Move Event


    True if the listener is successfully removed and false if it is not found


    • token: Token

      Token of event listener which has to be removed

    Returns boolean

  • Remove event listener from Mouse Up Event


    True if the listener is successfully removed and false if it is not found


    • token: Token

      Token of event listener which has to be removed

    Returns boolean

  • Remove event listener from Mouse Wheel Event


    True if the listener is successfully removed and false if it is not found


    • token: Token

      Token of event listener which has to be removed

    Returns boolean

  • Remove event listener from Touch End Event


    True if the listener is successfully removed and false if it is not found


    • token: Token

      Token of event listener which has to be removed

    Returns boolean

  • Remove event listener from Touch Move Event


    True if the listener is successfully removed and false if it is not found


    • token: Token

      Token of event listener which has to be removed

    Returns boolean

  • Remove event listener from Touch Start Event


    True if the listener is successfully removed and false if it is not found


    • token: Token

      Token of event listener which has to be removed

    Returns boolean

  • Remove event listener from visibleStateChanged


    • token: Token

    Returns boolean

  • Subscribe onDispose event. This event is triggered whenever the ChartComponent is disposed.

     // Example usage

    lineSeries.onDispose(() => {
    console.log('lineSeries was disposed')



    Token of subscription


    Returns Token

  • Subscribe to highlight object event. This is called whenever an object is highlighted.


    Token that can be used to unsubscribe from the event.


    • handler: ((isHighlighted: number | boolean) => void)

      Function that is called when event is triggered.

        • (isHighlighted: number | boolean): void
        • Parameters

          • isHighlighted: number | boolean

          Returns void

    Returns Token

  • Add event listener to Mouse Click Event


    Token of the event listener


    Returns Token

  • Add event listener to Mouse Double Click Event


    Token of the event listener


    Returns Token

  • Add event listener to Mouse Down Event


    Token of the event listener


    Returns Token

  • Add event listener to Enter Event


    Token of the event listener


    Returns Token

  • Add event listener to Mouse Leave Event


    Token of the event listener


    Returns Token

  • Add event listener to Mouse Move Event


    Token of the event listener


    Returns Token

  • Add event listener to Mouse Up Event


    Token of the event listener


    Returns Token

  • Register new event listener to visibleStateChanged event.


    • listener: VisibleStateChangedHandler<PointSeries3D>

      Event listener for visibleStateChanged

    Returns Token

  • Set component highlight animations enabled or not. For most components this is enabled by default.

     // Example usage, disable highlight animations.


    Object itself


    • enabled: boolean

      Animation enabled?

    Returns PointSeries3D

  • Set whether series is taken into account with automatic scrolling and fitting of attached axes.

    By default, this is true for all series.

    By setting this to false, any series can be removed from axis scrolling/fitting.

     // Example syntax, remove series from automatic scrolling / fitting.


    Object itself for fluent interface.


    • enabled: boolean

      true default, axes will take series into account in scrolling and fitting operations. false, axes will ignore series boundaries.

    Returns PointSeries3D

  • Set Color Shading Style for series.

    Shading style changes the visual style of the rendering. See ColorShadingStyles for available shading styles.

    Use Simple color shading style:

    series3D.setShadingStyle(new ColorShadingStyles.Simple())

    Use Phong color shading style:

    series3D.setShadingStyle(new ColorShadingStyles.Phong())

    Configuring specular highlight for Phong shading style:

    series3D.setShadingStyle(new ColorShadingStyles.Phong({
    specularReflection: 0.5,
    specularColor: ColorRGBA(255, 255, 255)


    Object itself for fluent interface.


    Returns PointSeries3D

  • Set 3D depth test enabled for this series.

    By default this is enabled, meaning that any series that is rendered after this series and is behind this series will not be rendered.

    Can be disabled to alter 3D rendering behavior.

     // Example syntax, disable depth test.


    Object itself for fluent interface.


    • enabled: boolean

      Depth test enabled?

    Returns PointSeries3D

  • Set theme effect enabled on component or disabled.

    A theme can specify an Effect to add extra visual oomph to chart applications, like Glow effects around data or other components. Whether this effect is drawn above a particular component can be configured using the setEffect method.

     // Example, disable theme effect from a particular component.

    For the most part, theme effects are enabled by default on most components.

    Theme effect is configured with effect property.


    Object itself.


    • enabled: boolean

      Theme effect enabled

    Returns PointSeries3D

  • Set state of component highlighting.

     // Example usage



    If highlight animations are enabled (which is true by default), the transition will be animated. As long as the component is highlighted, the active highlight intensity will be animated continuously between 0 and the configured value. Highlight animations can be disabled with setAnimationHighlight


    Object itself


    • highlight: number | boolean

      Boolean or number between 0 and 1, where 1 is fully highlighted.

    Returns PointSeries3D

  • Set highlight on mouse hover enabled or disabled.

    Mouse interactions have to be enabled on the component for this to function as expected. See setMouseInteractions for more information.


    Object itself for fluent interface.


    • state: boolean

      True if highlighting on mouse hover, false if no highlight on mouse hover

    Returns PointSeries3D

  • Set component mouse interactions enabled or disabled.

    Disabling mouse interactions means that the objects below this component can be interacted through it.

    Possible side-effects from disabling mouse interactions:

    • Mouse events are not triggered. For example, onMouseMove.
    • Mouse driven highlighting will not work.


    Object itself for fluent interface


    • state: boolean

      Specifies state of mouse interactions

    Returns PointSeries3D

  • Sets the name of the Component updating attached LegendBox entries


    Object itself


    • name: string

      Name of the Component

    Returns PointSeries3D

  • Set point style of Series.

    Example syntax:

     // Example syntax, Specify new style
    pointSeries3D.setPointStyle( new PointStyle3D.Triangulated({
    size: 10,
    shape: 'sphere',
    fillStyle: new SolidFill({ color: ColorHEX('#FFF') })
    }) )
     // Example syntax, Change point color
    pointSeries3D.setPointStyle( (pointStyle) => pointStyle
    .setFillStyle( new SolidFill({ color: ColorHEX('#FFF') }) )
     // Example syntax, Change point size
    pointSeries3D.setPointStyle( (pointStyle) => pointStyle
    .setSize( 10 )
     // Example syntax, Change point shape
    pointSeries3D.setPointStyle( (pointStyle) => pointStyle
    .setShape( 'cube' )

    Point coloring:

    Color of points is configured by the fillStyle property of active point style.

    Here is a list of all supported fill styles with feature descriptions and example syntax:


    Solid color for all points in series.

     // Example syntax, solid points color.
    pointSeries3D.setPointStyle(new PointStyle3D.Triangulated({
    fillStyle: new SolidFill({ color: ColorRGBA(255, 0, 0) }),
    size: 10,
    shape: 'sphere'


    Look-up dynamic per-point color based on a look up property (number) and a color look up table (LUT).

     // Example syntax, dynamic points color.
    pointSeries3D.setPointStyle(new PointStyle3D.Triangulated({
    fillStyle: new PalettedFill({
    // lookUpProperty defines basis of selecting look up value (number).
    lookUpProperty: 'value',
    // lut defines table for mapping look up value (number) to a color.
    lut: new LUT({
    interpolate: true,
    steps: [
    { value: 0, color: ColorRGBA(0, 0, 0) },
    { value: 1, color: ColorRGBA(255, 0, 0) }
    size: 10,
    shape: 'sphere'

    PointSeries3D supports several different look-up modes:

    lookUpProperty: 'value':

    IMPORTANT: In order to use value property on data points, the feature has to be explicitly activated when the series is created:

     // Example syntax, enable individual data point values.
    const pointSeries3D = chart3D.addPointSeries({
    individualLookupValuesEnabled: true

    value property is then added for every data point along side x, y and z:

     // Example syntax, individual data point values.
    { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, value: 0 },
    { x: 1, y: 0, z: 2, value: 1 },

    Look-up value is read from data point value property.

    lookUpProperty: 'x':

    Look-up value is set to data point x coordinate on Axis.

    lookUpProperty: 'y':

    Look-up value is set to data point y coordinate on Axis.

    lookUpProperty: 'z':

    Look-up value is set to data point z coordinate on Axis.


    Supply individual color for each data point.

    IMPORTANT: In order to use IndividualPointFill, the feature has to be explicitly activated when the series is created:

     // Example syntax, enable individual data point colors.
    const pointSeries3D = chart3D.addPointSeries({
    individualPointColorEnabled: true

    color property is then added for every data point along side x, y and z:

     // Example syntax, individual data point colors.
    { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, color: ColorRGBA(255, 0, 0) },
    { x: 1, y: 0, z: 2, color: ColorRGBA(0, 255, 0) },

    Point size:

    Size of points is configured by the size property of active point style.

    If required, points can also be individually sized by adding a size property to data points.

    IMPORTANT: In order to use size property, the feature has to be explicitly activated when the series is created:

     // Example syntax, enable individual data point size.
    const pointSeries3D = chart3D.addPointSeries({
    individualPointSizeEnabled: true

    size property is then added for every data point along side x, y and z:

     // Example syntax, individual data point sizes.
    { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, size: 5 },
    { x: 1, y: 0, z: 2, size: 10 },

    Point size 3D:

    As an alternative method to size, each 3D point can also be sized with individual sizes for each Axis (X, Y and Z).

    This is done by adding sizeAxisX, sizeAxisY, and sizeAxisZ properties to data points.

    IMPORTANT: In order to use these properties, the feature has to be explicitly activated when the series is created:

     // Example syntax, enable individual data point 3D axis size.
    const pointSeries3D = chart3D.addPointSeries({
    individualPointSizeAxisEnabled: true

    sizeAxisX, sizeAxisY and sizeAxisZ properties are then added for every data point along side x, y and z:

     // Example syntax, individual data point 3D axis sizes.
    { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, sizeAxisX: 1, sizeAxisY: 10, sizeAxisZ: 5 },
    { x: 1, y: 0, z: 2, sizeAxisX: 1, sizeAxisY: 10, sizeAxisZ: 5 },

    IMPORTANT: in order for points to be sized based on sizeAxisX, sizeAxisY and sizeAxisZ properties, the active point style must also have a fallback point size definition as axis dimensions:

     pointSeries3D.setPointStyle(new PointStyle3D.Triangulated({
    // IMPORTANT: fallback `size` must be defined with { x, y, z } syntax!
    size: { x: 1, y: 1, z: 1 },
    shape: 'sphere',
    fillStyle: new SolidFill({ color: ColorRGBA(255, 0, 0) })


    Object itself for fluent interface


    Returns PointSeries3D

  • Set element visibility.


    Object itself.


    • state: boolean

      true when element should be visible and false when element should be hidden.

    Returns PointSeries3D