Interface PieChartOptions<PieChartType>

Interface for readonly configuration of PieChart.

Some properties of PieChart can only be configured when it is created. These arguments are all optional, and are wrapped in a single object parameter:

 // Example, create chart with specified color theme.
const chart = LightningChart.Pie({
theme: Themes.light,

Watch out! The full set of available readonly configuration parameters depends on if the chart is standalone, or inside a dashboard:

For standalone PieChart, more parameters are documented in Pie.

For dashboard PieChart, more parameters are documented in createPieChart.

Commonly used properties:

  • type: Specify pie chart visual design from a collection of options.
  • PieChartOptions.theme: Specify chart color theme.
  • disableAnimations: Convenience flag to disable all animations from chart.

Example usage:

 // Example 1, create chart with default configuration.
const chart = LightningChart.Pie({})
 // Example 2, create pie chart with labels inside slices.
const chart = LightningChart.Pie({
type: PieChartTypes.LabelsInsideSlices
 // Example 3, create chart with specified color theme.
const chart = LightningChart.Pie({
theme: Themes.light,

Type Parameters



disableAnimations?: boolean

Convenience flag that can be used to disable all animations in a component.

type?: PieChartType

Specify pie chart visual design from a collection of options.

Options are located in PieChartTypes collection. If undefined, will default to PieChartTypes.LabelsOnSides.