Interface ThemeExamplePropertiesBeta

Properties of Theme that are optional, and officially only used in LightningChart JS Online Examples and projects.

These are guaranteed to be included in all official Library Themes provided by LightningChart, but not required in custom Themes defined by users.

If you want to use example theme properties in your application, then make sure to do these two things:

  1. Use an official Theme supplied by LightningChart.
  2. If your project requires type safety, then add a sanity check that throws an error if the Theme.examples property is undefined, like this:
 // Example, ensure official LightningChart JS theme is in use.
const theme = chart.getTheme()
if (!theme.examples) {
throw new Error(`LightningChart JS Theme.examples is undefined. You are probably using an unofficial theme and attempting to access example theme properties!`)
Theme example properties are primarly intended to be used by official LCJS applications and examples.
As such, users should be aware that they may change even in minor version releases.


  • ThemeExampleProperties


badGoodColorPalette: Color[]
bollingerBorderFillStyle: FillStyle
bollingerFillStyle: FillStyle
coldHotColorPalette: Color[]
header1Font: FontSettings
header2Font: FontSettings
header3Font: FontSettings
highlightDataGridColor: Color
highlightPointColor: Color
intensityColorPalette: Color[]
mainDataColor: Color
negativeAreaFillStyle: FillStyle
negativeBackgroundFillStyle: FillStyle
negativeFillStyle: FillStyle
negativeTextFillStyle: FillStyle
positiveAreaFillStyle: FillStyle
positiveBackgroundFillStyle: FillStyle
positiveFillStyle: FillStyle
positiveTextFillStyle: FillStyle
spectrogramColorPalette: Color[]
unfocusedDataColor: Color