SparkChartAxisBand: {
    axis: "x" | "y";
    end: number;
    fillStyle?: FillStyle;
    start: number;
    strokeStyle?: LineStyle;
    type: "axis-band";

Type definition of a Spark Chart Axis Band Marker. Can be included to show extra information alongside Spark Charts. Highlights an interval along 1 Axis (either X or Y).

 // Example, spark line chart with a axis band.
DataGrid.setCellContent(0, 0, {
type: 'spark-line',
data: [0, 10, 6, 4, 9, 8, 3, 6],
markers: [{
type: 'axis-band',
axis: 'x',
start: 10,
end: 15,

Type declaration

  • axis: "x" | "y"

    Selection of Axis (X or Y).

  • end: number

    End location on Axis.

  • Optional fillStyle?: FillStyle

    Optional fill style of Band.

  • start: number

    Start location on Axis.

  • Optional strokeStyle?: LineStyle

    Optional stroke style of Band.

  • type: "axis-band"

    Identifier used to select the type of Marker.