Style class for describing a image fill style.

Instances of ImageFill, like all LCJS style classes, are immutable, meaning that its setters don't modify the actual object, but instead return a completely new modified object.

Properties of ImageFill:

  • surroundingColor: Fill color for the area surrounding the image. Construct a LCJS color using one of the many available factories:

  • sourceMissingColor: Fill color used in place of the image when image is loading or image loading has failed. Construct a LCJS color using one of the many available factories:

  • fitMode: ImageFitMode that specifies how the image is placed inside of the element using the ImageFill.

  • source: Image source object. Can be any of ImageBitmap | ImageData | HTMLImageElement | HTMLCanvasElement | HTMLVideoElement.

ImageFill Usage:

Use ImageFill with:

Example 1: Styling a rectangle figure with an image.

const myImage = new Image()
myImage.src = ''
rectangleFigure.setFillStyle(new ImageFill({
source: myImage,
fitMode: ImageFitModes.Stretch

Example 2: Creating a new ImageFill object with a video as the source.

const myVideo = document.createElement('video')
myVideo.autoplay = true
myVideo.muted = true
myVideo.loop = true
myVideo.src = ''
const imageFill = new ImageFill({
source: myVideo,
fitMode: ImageFitModes.Fit

Related information:

For more fill styles, see:


  • ImageFillStyleRecord
    • ImageFill



  • Construct a new ImageFill object, specifying any amount of its properties.

    Example 1: Creating a new ImageFill object with an image as the source.

    const myImage = new Image()
    myImage.src = ''
    const imageFill = new ImageFill({
    source: myImage,
    fitMode: ImageFitModes.Stretch

    Example 2: Creating a new ImageFill object with a video as the source.

    const myVideo = document.createElement('video')
    myVideo.autoplay = true
    myVideo.muted = true
    myVideo.loop = true
    myVideo.src = ''
    const imageFill = new ImageFill({
    source: myVideo,
    fitMode: ImageFitModes.Fit

    When a HTMLVideoElement is specified as the source the chart will be constantly rendered while the video is playing.


    Returns ImageFill


fitMode: ImageFitMode

Image fitting mode.


const imageFill = new ImageFill({
fitMode: ImageFitMode.Stretch

The image source element to use.

Can be any of ImageFillSource.

Most commonly a HTMLImageElement.


const myImage = new Image()
myImage.src = ''
const imageFill = new ImageFill({
source: myImage
sourceMissingColor: Color

The color filling element when image is loading or image loading failed.

surroundingColor: Color

The color filling the area of element not filled by the image.

type: "fillstyle" = 'fillstyle'


  • Get source missing color of ImageFill.


    Color object

    Returns Color

  • Get color of ImageFill.


    Color object

    Returns Color

  • Construct a new ImageFill object based on this one, but with different image source.


    const myImg = new Image()
    myImg.src = ''


    New ImageFill object


    Returns ImageFill

  • Construct a new ImageFill object based on this one, but with modified source missing color.

    Source missing color is used in place of an image when the image has not been loaded yet or loading of the image has failed.


    // specify new color
    imageFill.setSourceMissingColor( ColorHEX('#F00') )

    // change individual color properties
    imageFill.setSourceMissingColor( color => color.setA(80) )


    New ImageFill object


    Returns ImageFill

  • Construct a new ImageFill object based on this one, but with modified surrounding color.

    Surrounding color is used to fill the remaining element when the image doesn't fill the element completely.


    // specify new color
    imageFill.setSurroundingColor( ColorHEX('#F00') )

    // change individual color properties
    imageFill.setSurroundingColor( color => color.setA(80) )


    New ImageFill object


    Returns ImageFill