Enumeration DataGridCellContentAlignmentOptions

Enum of different options to aligning content inside a DataGrid cell.

Use with methods:

 // Example, apply 'right-center' content alignment in all cells that are currently defined on column 0.
DataGrid.setColumnContentAlignment(0, 'right-center')

This is an enum type, which can be iterated during run time, for example when creating a menu selector for content alignment options. Respective type definition is exported as DataGridCellContentAlignment.

Enumeration Members

Center: "center"
CenterBottom: "center-bottom"
CenterTop: "center-top"
LeftBottom: "left-bottom"
LeftCenter: "left-center"
LeftTop: "left-top"
RightBottom: "right-bottom"
RightCenter: "right-center"
RightTop: "right-top"