Interface for readonly configuration of Dashboard.

Mandatory properties:

 // Example, Create a 3x3 dashboard.
const dashboard = LightningChart.Dashboard({
// Number of cells in X direction.
numberOfColumns: 3,
// Number of cells in Y direction.
numberOfRows: 3,

To learn about the effects of columns / rows configuration, please read more here Dashboard.

Optional extra configuration:

  • theme: Specify dashboard color theme.
  • disableAnimations: Convenience flag to disable all animations from dashboard.
 // Example 1, create dashboard with specified color theme.
const dashboard = LightningChart.Dashboard({
// Number of cells in X direction.
numberOfColumns: 3,
// Number of cells in Y direction.
numberOfRows: 3,
// Select color theme.
theme: Themes.light,


  • DashboardOptions


disableAnimations?: boolean

Convenience flag that can be used to disable all animations in a component.

numberOfColumns: number

Number of dashboard cells along horizontal plane.

To learn about the effects of columns / rows configuration, please read more here Dashboard.

numberOfRows: number

Number of dashboard cells along vertical plane.

To learn about the effects of columns / rows configuration, please read more here Dashboard.

theme?: Theme

Theme used to style all elements inside the component. See Themes for pre-made options.