Interface to specify the color and its value. Each represented as a pair object {value: number, color: Color}.


  • LUTStep



color: Color

Color at given step.

label?: string

Optional label to show on given step.

Can be specified to alter default labels when the component that uses the LUT is attached to a LegendBox.

 // Example, map Uint8 data range to Decibels range [0, 140].
const lut = new LUT({
steps: [
{ value: 0, label: '0', color: ColorHSV(0) },
{ value: 127.5, label: '70', color: ColorHSV(120) },
{ value: 255.0, label: '140', color: ColorHSV(240) },
units: 'dB',
interpolate: true,
value: number

Value associated with a color.