DateTimeFormatter: Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions | FormattingFunction

Type union of supported methods of defining a formatting behavior for DateTime TickStrategy.

1. Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions:

Use JavaScript API for formatting logic by supplying a Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions object. Example usage:

 // 'January 2015'
{ year: 'numeric', month: 'long' }

For complete documentation of valid keys and values, refer to

2. Custom formatting function:

Specify custom formatting logic by supplying a function that returns a string. Example usage:

 ( value, range ) => {
// 'value' = number position of tick along the *Axis*.
// 'range' = *FormattingRange* object that can be used to find the total range of the *Axis*, if needed.

// Return *string*.
return "any string"

( value ) => {
// JS *Date* API can be used to interpret numeric *Axis* positions as *UTC Date/Time*, exposing a multitude of handy methods.
const date = new Date( value )
return date.toLocaleTimeString()

JS Date documentation: