Series for visualizing a Intensity Heatmap Grid with a static column and grid count. Has API for fast modification of cell values.

HeatmapGridSeriesIntensityValues is optimized for massive amounts of data - here are some reference specs on average PC to give an idea:

  • Heatmap Chart with 1 million data points (1000x1000) is cold started in ~0.3 seconds.
  • Heatmap Chart with 1 million data points (1000x1000) is re-populated (change data set) in ~0.050 seconds.
  • Heatmap Chart with 16 million data points (4000x4000) is cold started in ~2.0 seconds.
  • Heatmap Chart with 16 million data points (4000x4000) is re-populated (change data set) in ~0.5 seconds.

HeatmapGridSeriesIntensityValues max data amount is entirely restricted by the client hardware RAM and more specifically amount of RAM usable by the context running LightningChart JS. If by increasing the amount of columns and rows you encounter suddenly weak performance, it is likely that there is not enough RAM memory available.

Created with addHeatmapGridSeries.

Frequently used API:



_isCursorEnabled: boolean = true

Active state of Cursor

axisX: Axis
axisY: Axis
scale: LinearScaleXY

Scale of the series


  • Add Marker to the Series.



    Type Parameters

    • PointMarkerType extends PointMarker<PointMarkerType>

    • ResultTableBackgroundType extends UIBackground<ResultTableBackgroundType>


    • cursorBuilder: StaticCursorXYBuilder<PointMarkerType, ResultTableBackgroundType> = ...

      StaticCursorBuilderXY object for customized look of marker. MarkerBuilders.XY can be used to build a custom one from scratch.

    Returns SeriesMarkerXY<PointMarkerType, ResultTableBackgroundType>

  • Permanently destroy the component.

    To fully allow Garbage-Collection to free the resources used by the component, make sure to remove any references to the component and its children in application code.

    let chart = ...ChartXY()
    let axisX = chart.getDefaultAxisX()
    // Dispose Chart, and remove all references so that they can be garbage-collected.
    chart = undefined
    axisX = undefined


    Object itself for fluent interface

    Returns HeatmapGridSeriesIntensityValues

  • Get whether series is taken into account with automatic scrolling and fitting of attached axes.

    By default, this is true for all series.


    true default, axes will take series into account in scrolling and fitting operations. false, axes will ignore series boundaries.

    Returns boolean

  • Get theme effect enabled on component or disabled.

    A theme can specify an Effect to add extra visual oomph to chart applications, like Glow effects around data or other components. Whether this effect is drawn above a particular component can be configured using the setEffect method.

     // Example, disable theme effect from a particular component.

    For the most part, theme effects are enabled by default on most components.

    Theme effect is configured with effect property.


    Boolean that describes whether drawing the theme effect is enabled around the component or not.

    Returns boolean

  • Get state of component highlighting.

    In case highlight animations are enabled, this method returns the unanimated highlight value.


    Number between 0 and 1, where 1 is fully highlighted.

    Returns number

  • Get boolean flag for whether object should highlight on mouse hover


    Boolean for if object should highlight on mouse hover or not.

    Returns boolean

  • Get boolean flag for whether object is currently under mouse or not


    Boolean for is object under mouse currently

    Returns boolean

  • Get mouse interactions enabled or disabled. Disabled mouse-interactions will naturally prevent mouse-driven highlighting from ever happening.


    Mouse interactions state

    Returns boolean

  • Get the name of the Component.


    The name of the Component.

    Returns string

  • Get element visibility.


    true when element is set to be visible and false otherwise.

    Returns boolean

  • Returns

    Max X value of the series

    Returns undefined | number

  • Returns

    Min X value of the series

    Returns undefined | number

  • Returns

    Max Y value of the series

    Returns undefined | number

  • Returns

    Min Y value of the series

    Returns undefined | number

  • Invalidate range of heatmap intensity values starting from first column and row, updating coloring if a Color look up table (LUT) has been attached to the series (see setFillStyle).

     // Example, 3x3 grid full invalidation.
    const heatmapGridSeries = ChartXY.addHeatmapGridSeries({
    dataOrder: 'columns',
    columns: 3,
    rows: 3

    // Column 1 intensity values.
    [0, 0, 0],
    // Column 2 intensity values.
    [1, 1, 1],
    // Column 3 intensity values.
    [0, 2, 0],

    Data interpretation basis is defined by dataOrder property from when the series was created. Can be either list of columns, or list of rows.

    invalidateIntensityValues can trigger warnings when used controversially. In production applications, these can be controlled with warnings.


    Object itself for fluent interface.


    • value: number[][]

      Matrix containing intensity values for each data slot of the grid.

    Returns HeatmapGridSeriesIntensityValues

  • Invalidate a partial range of heatmap intensity values, updating coloring if a Color look up table (LUT) has been attached to the series (see setFillStyle).

     // Example, 100x10 grid invalidate partial section of grid.

    const heatmapGridSeries = ChartXY.addHeatmapGridSeries({
    dataOrder: 'columns',
    columns: 100,
    rows: 10

    // Index of first invalidated column.
    iColumn: 50,
    // Index of first invalidated row.
    iRow: 2,
    // Intensity values matrix. It's dimensions imply the amount of invalidated columns & rows.
    values: [
    // 1st invalidated column intensity values.
    [1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
    // 2nd invalidated column intensity values.
    [2, 2, 2, 2, 2],
    // 3rd invalidated column intensity values.
    [1, 0, 0, 0, 1],
    // 4th invalidated column intensity values.
    [0, 1, 0, 1, 0],
    // 5th invalidated column intensity values.
    [0, 0, 1, 0, 0],

    invalidateIntensityValues can trigger warnings when used controversially. In production applications, these can be controlled with warnings.


    Object itself for fluent interface.


    • value: {
          iColumn: number;
          iRow: number;
          values: number[][];

      Partial invalidation information, where values is an intensity value matrix, iColumn the first affected column and iRow the first affected row.

      • iColumn: number
      • iRow: number
      • values: number[][]

    Returns HeatmapGridSeriesIntensityValues

  • Remove event listener from dispose event.


    True if the listener is successfully removed and false if it is not found


    • token: Token

      Token of event listener which has to be removed

    Returns boolean

  • Unsubscribe from Highlight object event. This is called whenever an object is highlighted


    True if the unsubscription was successful.


    • token: Token

      Token that was received when subscribing to the event.

    Returns boolean

  • Remove event listener from Mouse Click Event


    True if the listener is successfully removed and false if it is not found


    • token: Token

      Token of event listener which has to be removed

    Returns boolean

  • Remove event listener from Mouse Double Click Event


    True if the listener is successfully removed and false if it is not found


    • token: Token

      Token of event listener which has to be removed

    Returns boolean

  • Remove event listener from Mouse Down Event


    True if the listener is successfully removed and false if it is not found


    • token: Token

      Token of event listener which has to be removed

    Returns boolean

  • Remove event listener from Mouse Drag Event


    True if the listener is successfully removed and false if it is not found


    • token: Token

      Token of event listener which has to be removed

    Returns boolean

  • Remove event listener from Mouse Drag Start Event


    True if the listener is successfully removed and false if it is not found


    • token: Token

      Token of event listener which has to be removed

    Returns boolean

  • Remove event listener from Mouse Drag Stop Event


    True if the listener is successfully removed and false if it is not found


    • token: Token

      Token of event listener which has to be removed

    Returns boolean

  • Remove event listener from Mouse Enter Event


    True if the listener is successfully removed and false if it is not found


    • token: Token

      Token of event listener which has to be removed

    Returns boolean

  • Remove event listener from Mouse Leave Event


    True if the listener is successfully removed and false if it is not found


    • token: Token

      Token of event listener which has to be removed

    Returns boolean

  • Remove event listener from Mouse Move Event


    True if the listener is successfully removed and false if it is not found


    • token: Token

      Token of event listener which has to be removed

    Returns boolean

  • Remove event listener from Mouse Up Event


    True if the listener is successfully removed and false if it is not found


    • token: Token

      Token of event listener which has to be removed

    Returns boolean

  • Remove event listener from Mouse Wheel Event


    True if the listener is successfully removed and false if it is not found


    • token: Token

      Token of event listener which has to be removed

    Returns boolean

  • Remove event listener from Touch End Event


    True if the listener is successfully removed and false if it is not found


    • token: Token

      Token of event listener which has to be removed

    Returns boolean

  • Remove event listener from Touch Move Event


    True if the listener is successfully removed and false if it is not found


    • token: Token

      Token of event listener which has to be removed

    Returns boolean

  • Remove event listener from Touch Start Event


    True if the listener is successfully removed and false if it is not found


    • token: Token

      Token of event listener which has to be removed

    Returns boolean

  • Subscribe to highlight object event. This is called whenever an object is highlighted.


    Token that can be used to unsubscribe from the event.


    • handler: ((isHighlighted: number | boolean) => void)

      Function that is called when event is triggered.

        • (isHighlighted: number | boolean): void
        • Parameters

          • isHighlighted: number | boolean

          Returns void

    Returns Token

  • Set whether series is taken into account with automatic scrolling and fitting of attached axes.

    By default, this is true for all series.

    By setting this to false, any series can be removed from axis scrolling/fitting.

     // Example syntax, remove series from automatic scrolling / fitting.


    Object itself for fluent interface.


    • enabled: boolean

      true default, axes will take series into account in scrolling and fitting operations. false, axes will ignore series boundaries.

    Returns HeatmapGridSeriesIntensityValues

  • Configure draw order of the series.

    The drawing order of series inside same chart can be configured by configuring their seriesDrawOrderIndex. This is a simple number that indicates which series is drawn first, and which last.

    The values can be any JS number, even a decimal. Higher number results in series being drawn closer to the top.

    By default, each series is assigned a running counter starting from 0 and increasing by 1 for each series.

        // Example, create 2 series and configure them to be drawn in reverse order.
    const series1 = ChartXY.addLineSeries()
    .setDrawOrder({ seriesDrawOrderIndex: 1 })
    const series2 = ChartXY.addLineSeries()
    .setDrawOrder({ seriesDrawOrderIndex: 0 })
        // Example, ensure a series is drawn above other series.
    SeriesXY.setDrawOrder({ seriesDrawOrderIndex: 1000 })


    Object itself.


    • arg: {
          seriesDrawOrderIndex: number;

      Object with seriesDrawOrderIndex property.

      • seriesDrawOrderIndex: number

    Returns HeatmapGridSeriesIntensityValues

  • Set theme effect enabled on component or disabled.

    A theme can specify an Effect to add extra visual oomph to chart applications, like Glow effects around data or other components. Whether this effect is drawn above a particular component can be configured using the setEffect method.

     // Example, disable theme effect from a particular component.

    For the most part, theme effects are enabled by default on most components.

    Theme effect is configured with effect property.


    Object itself.


    • enabled: boolean

      Theme effect enabled

    Returns HeatmapGridSeriesIntensityValues

  • Set state of component highlighting.

     // Example usage



    If highlight animations are enabled (which is true by default), the transition will be animated. As long as the component is highlighted, the active highlight intensity will be animated continuously between 0 and the configured value. Highlight animations can be disabled with setAnimationHighlight


    Object itself


    • highlight: number | boolean

      Boolean or number between 0 and 1, where 1 is fully highlighted.

    Returns HeatmapGridSeriesIntensityValues

  • Set component mouse interactions enabled or disabled.

    Disabling mouse interactions means that the objects below this component can be interacted through it.

    Possible side-effects from disabling mouse interactions:

    • Mouse events are not triggered. For example, onMouseMove.
    • Mouse driven highlighting will not work.


    Object itself for fluent interface


    • state: boolean

      Specifies state of mouse interactions

    Returns HeatmapGridSeriesIntensityValues