FunnelChartTypes: {
    LabelsInsideSlices: typeof FunnelChartWithLabelsInsideSlices;
    LabelsOnSides: typeof FunnelChartWithLabelsOnSides;
} = ...

Collection of FunnelChart implementations. Each option can have their own visual design, and API for customization of it.

This must be specified when the FunnelChart is created (or default one will be used).

Example usage:

// Create a FunnelChart with default type
// Create a FunnelChart with specified type
LightningChart.Funnel({ type: FunnelChartTypes.LabelsInsideSlices })

Type declaration

  • LabelsInsideSlices: typeof FunnelChartWithLabelsInsideSlices

    Funnel Chart type, where Slice Labels inside the Slices.

  • LabelsOnSides: typeof FunnelChartWithLabelsOnSides

    Funnel Chart type, where Slice Labels are positioned on the either left or right sides of Chart. The side can be set using setLabelSide Labels are connected to their Slices with lines, which can be styled using unique API for this Funnel Chart type.