• Capture rendered state in an image file. Prompts the browser to download the created file.

    NOTE: The download might be blocked by browser/plugins as harmful. To prevent this, only call the method in events tied to user-interactions. From mouse-event handlers, for example.

    Has two optional parameters which directly reference JavaScript API HTMLCanvasElement.toDataURL. For supported image formats, compression quality, Etc. refer to:


    Example usage:

    // Download 'screenshot.png'
    saveToFile(chart.engine, 'screenshot')
    // Attempt download 'maybeNotSupported.bmp'
    saveToFile(chart.engine, 'maybeNotSupported', 'image/bmp')
    // Attempt download jpeg.file with specified compression quality
    saveToFile(chart.engine, 'fileName', 'image/jpeg', 0.50)


    If 'type' is not supported by browser, an Error will be thrown.


    • engine: PublicEngine

      [PublicEngine] reference of a chart which you would like to save to a file.

    • fileName: string

      Name of prompted download file as string. File extension shouldn't be included as it is automatically detected from 'type'-argument.

    • type: string = 'image/png'

      A DOMString indicating the image format. The default format type is image/png.

    • Optional encoderOptions: number

      A Number between 0 and 1 indicating the image quality to use for image formats that use lossy compression such as image/jpeg and image/webp. If this argument is anything else, the default value for image quality is used. The default value is 0.92.

    Returns void