Class that represents the amplitude value interval on a PolarChart.

The Amplitude Axis is depicted as a single line segment starting from the very center of the PolarChart and ending at its right side.

The Amplitude Axes' tick grid lines travel all over the PolarCharts Series space, doing a full 360 degree until returning to the other end of the tick, along the Amplitude Axis.

The Amplitude Axes' title is positioned just below the Axis line and centered horizontally.

Here is a list of the most commonly useful methods of Polar Amplitude Axis:



  • Fit axis view to attached series.


    • Optional animate: number | boolean

      Boolean for animation enabled, or number for animation duration in milliseconds

    • stopAxisAfter: boolean = false

      If true, stops Axis after fitting

    Returns PolarAxisAmplitude

  • Format a value along axis to string. Behavior depends on the Axis' TickStrategy. Eq. A DateTime-Axis will interpret 'value' as a Date.


    Value formated to string


    • value: number

      Value along axis

    Returns string

  • Get animations disable/enable state.


    Animations default state.

    Returns boolean

  • Get Axis stopped or not.

    When an Axis is stopped it temporarily prevents the active scroll strategy from changing the Axis interval.

    Axis can be stopped programmatically using this method, and also by different built in interactions, such as panning/zooming.


    Axis stopped

    Returns boolean

  • Get the currently used tick strategy

    Returns "Empty" | "Numeric" | "DateTime" | "Time"

  • Returns

    Axis title string

    Returns string

  • Get theme effect enabled on component or disabled.

    A theme can specify an Effect to add extra visual oomph to chart applications, like Glow effects around data or other components. Whether this effect is drawn above a particular component can be configured using the setEffect method.

     // Example, disable theme effect from a particular component.

    For the most part, theme effects are enabled by default on most components.

    Theme effect is configured with effect property.


    Boolean that describes whether drawing the theme effect is enabled around the component or not.

    Returns boolean

  • Get rotation of Axis title.


    Rotation in degrees

    Returns number

  • Get element visibility.


    true when element is set to be visible and false otherwise.

    Returns boolean

  • Remove subscription from scale change event


    True if the listener is successfully removed and false if it is not found


    • token: Token

      Event listener

    Returns boolean

  • Remove event listener from event when Axis is stopped or released.

    This event is triggered when Axis.setStopped method is used (and state actually changes), or the Axis is stopped/released by a built-in user interaction.

     // Example, attach and remove event handler.
    const token = Axis.onStoppedStateChanged((_, isStopped) => {})



    • token: Token

    Returns boolean

  • Remove event listener from visibleStateChanged


    • token: Token

    Returns boolean

  • Subscribe to on scale change event

    The onIntervalChange event triggers on change of the interval of an Axis and accept a callback function with 3 parameters that return axis itself, start and end values of the Axis

    Example usage:

    Axis.onIntervalChange((axis, start, end) => {
    console.log(`start value: ${start}, end value : ${end}`);


    Token that is used to unsubscribe from the event


    Returns Token

  • Register new event listener to event when Axis is stopped or released.

    This event is triggered when Axis.setStopped method is used (and state actually changes), or the Axis is stopped/released by a built-in user interaction.

     // Example, track when Axis is stopped or released.
    const token = Axis.onStoppedStateChanged((_, isStopped) => {


    Token of event subscription which can be used to remove the event listener using offStoppedStateChanged method.


    Returns Token

  • Specifies zoom animation to use.

    Example usage:

    Desired result Argument Parameters
    Change animation setAnimationZoom(AnimationEasings.easeOut, 500) First parameter defines the easing to use for the animation. Second parameter is optional, and defines the duration for the animation
    Disable zooming animations axis.setAnimationZoom(undefined) Passing undefined as the parameter will disable the zooming animations for the Axis.


    • easing: undefined | AnimationEasing

      Easing of animation. Undefined disables zoom animations. See 'common/animator.Easings' for defaults

    • duration: number = 300

      Optional default duration for zooming animations in milliseconds

    Returns PolarAxisAmplitude

  • Set axis interval.


     // Set interval start and end.
    Axis.setInterval({ start: 0, end: 5000 })
     // Set interval end only.
    Axis.setInterval({ end: 5000 })
     // Set interval but don't stop the axis from scrolling
    Axis.setInterval({ start: 0, end: 5000, stopAxisAfter: false })
     // Set interval with 2000 milliseconds long animation
    Axis.setInterval({ start: 0, end: 5000, animate: 2000 })


    Object itself for fluent interface


    • opts: AxisIntervalConfiguration

      Parameters for axis interval.

    Returns PolarAxisAmplitude

  • Set Axis stopped or not.

    When an Axis is stopped it temporarily prevents the active scroll strategy from changing the Axis interval.

    Axis can be stopped programmatically using this method, and also by different built in interactions, such as panning/zooming.

     // Example, stop Axis scrolling / fitting.


    Object itself


    • stopped: boolean

      Axis stopped

    Returns PolarAxisAmplitude

  • Set theme effect enabled on component or disabled.

    A theme can specify an Effect to add extra visual oomph to chart applications, like Glow effects around data or other components. Whether this effect is drawn above a particular component can be configured using the setEffect method.

     // Example, disable theme effect from a particular component.

    For the most part, theme effects are enabled by default on most components.

    Theme effect is configured with effect property.


    Object itself.


    • enabled: boolean

      Theme effect enabled

    Returns PolarAxisAmplitude