Type alias MapChartFormatter<SelectedMapType>

MapChartFormatter<SelectedMapType>: (<T>(tableContentBuilder: T, mapRegion: MapTypeRegionProperties[SelectedMapType], mapRegionValue: undefined | number, longitude: number, latitude: number, mapChart: MapChart<SelectedMapType>) => T)

Type Parameters

Type declaration

    • <T>(tableContentBuilder: T, mapRegion: MapTypeRegionProperties[SelectedMapType], mapRegionValue: undefined | number, longitude: number, latitude: number, mapChart: MapChart<SelectedMapType>): T
    • Interface for a function which builds ResultTable content when pointing at a SeriesXY.

      Example usage:

      • Display country name and ISO_A3 code.
       MapChart.setCursorResultTableFormatter( ( tableContentBuilder, mapRegion, mapRegionValue, longitude, latitude, mapChart ) => tableContentBuilder
      .addRow( mapRegion.name )
      .addRow( mapRegion.ISO_A3 )


      TableContentBuilder that was supplied.

      Type Parameters


      • tableContentBuilder: T

        Builder that is used to build contents of ResultTable. Use addRow() method for adding content.

      • mapRegion: MapTypeRegionProperties[SelectedMapType]

        Currently pointed region on the Map. Type depends on the MapTypes of the MapChart. Refer to MapTypeRegionProperties if you're unsure.

      • mapRegionValue: undefined | number

        Data value of pointed region, as configured with invalidateRegionValues.

      • longitude: number

        Pointed map coordinate longitude.

      • latitude: number

        Pointed map coordinate latitude.

      • mapChart: MapChart<SelectedMapType>

        Reference to the MapChart object.

      Returns T