Variable AxisScrollStrategiesConst

AxisScrollStrategies: {
    expansion: AxisScrollStrategy;
    fitting: AxisScrollStrategy;
    progressive: AxisScrollStrategy;
    regressive: AxisScrollStrategy;
} = ...

Collection of available AxisScrollStrategies.

AxisScrollStrategies can be used to customize the behavior of Axis scrolling.

Use with setScrollStrategy

Type declaration

  • expansion: AxisScrollStrategy

    Axis will scroll to fit Series that are out of view, but it won't shrink even if there is empty space (like "fitting" does).

  • fitting: AxisScrollStrategy

    Axis will constantly scroll to fit attached Series.

  • progressive: AxisScrollStrategy

    Axis will scroll to show new, progressive data, but will keep its interval constant - leaving older data out of view.

  • regressive: AxisScrollStrategy

    Axis will scroll to show new, regressive data, but will keep its interval constant - leaving older data out of view.