UIElementBuilders: {
    AxisTickMajor: UITickBuilder;
    AxisTickMinor: UITickBuilder;
    ButtonBox: UICheckBoxBuilder;
    CheckBox: UICheckBoxBuilder;
    LUTRange: UILUTRangeBuilder;
    PointableTextBox: UIPointableTextBoxBuilder;
    TextBox: UITextBoxBuilder;
} = ...

Collection of available UIElement builders. To build UIElements you must pass one of these to method: addUIElement(). This method can be accessed through Charts, Dashboard, Etc.

Example usage:

// Create a TextBox on a ChartXY
// Create a CheckBox on a Dashboard

Type declaration

  • AxisTickMajor: UITickBuilder

    UIElement builder that is intended to be used with custom axis ticks. See addCustomTick for example usage, and more information.

    AxisTick is a text label connected to a tick line - fundamentally equal to a default axis tick shape.

  • AxisTickMinor: UITickBuilder

    UIElement builder that is intended to be used with custom axis ticks. See addCustomTick for example usage, and more information.

    AxisTick is a text label connected to a tick line - fundamentally equal to a default minor axis tick shape.

  • ButtonBox: UICheckBoxBuilder

    UIElement that displays a button and text over a Background.

    By default, Background is empty. To show it you must specify it using method of the builder, setBackground

    Example usage:

    // Create a ButtonBox
    // Create a ButtonBox with specified Background
    // Create a ButtonBox with specified ButtonPicture
  • CheckBox: UICheckBoxBuilder

    UIElement that displays a toggleable checkbox and text over a Background.

    By default, Background is empty. To show it you must specify it using method of the builder, setBackground

    Example usage:

    // Create a CheckBox
    // Create a CheckBox with specified Background
    // Create a CheckBox with specified ButtonPicture
  • LUTRange: UILUTRangeBuilder

    UIElement builder that can be used to build a UILUTRange component. which displays a color lookup table range with labels.

     // Example usage,
    const lutRange = chart.addUIElement(UIElementBuilders.LUTRange)
  • PointableTextBox: UIPointableTextBoxBuilder

    UIElement builder that is intended to be used with custom axis ticks. See addCustomTick for example usage, and more information.

    PointableTextBox is a text label enclosed within a background shaped in the form of an arrow.

  • TextBox: UITextBoxBuilder

    UIElement that displays text over a Background.

    Example usage:

    // Create a TextBox