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Uno Platform data visualization template for your data-driven project & LightningChart integration!

The Uno Platform data visualization template will help you get started with LightningChart and the cross-development environment of Uno Platform.

Additionally, LightningChart has launched 10+ data visualization templates that’ll help you implement LightningChart JS charting library into your different desktop, mobile, and web applications development.

Getting Acquainted with the Template

The nature of the Uno Platform is that it functions as a bridge to bring together UWP code such as c# and XMAL to be deployed within the iOS, Android, and WebAssembly environments.

The Uno Platform provides the full API definitions of the UWP Windows 10 2004 (19041), and the implementation of parts of the UWP API, such as Windows.UI.Xaml, to enable UWP applications to run on these platforms.

In other words, with the Uno Platform, you can run your original and unmodified C# and XAML source code and run it on a different platform and achieve the same behavior.  

  • UWP: In this implementation is done by using WebView and invoke the JavaScript function to run charts. As WebGL is supported in x64 CPU configuration, it is running on the UWP windows app on x64 CPU currently.
  • Android Same UWP is code is running in case of android with webview implementation.
  • WASM and SKIA Currently these are not supported, as WebView has not been implemented yet on these platforms.

This Uno Platform data visualization development template is part of a series of data visualization templates that can be downloaded directly from GitHub. You can also check the rest of the ready-made data visualization templates available for Android, iOS, Xamarin, React, UNO Platform, and more!

Happy coding!