Variable UIBackgroundsConst

UIBackgrounds: {
    Circle: typeof UICircle;
    Diamond: typeof UIDiamond;
    None: typeof UIEmptyBackground;
    Pointer: typeof UIPointer;
    Rectangle: typeof UIRectangle;
} = ...

Collection of available UIBackgrounds Can be used to customize the background of an UIElement.

Background must be specified when the UIElement is created by method of its builder.

Example usage:

// Create TextBox with specified Background

Type declaration

  • Circle: typeof UICircle

    Circular background.

  • Diamond: typeof UIDiamond

    45 degree rotated rectangle background.

  • None: typeof UIEmptyBackground

    No background.

  • Pointer: typeof UIPointer

    Arrow-like background.

    The Pointers direction can be modified by, for example:

    UIElement.setBackground((pointer) => pointer.setDirection(UIDirections.Up))

    This will throw an error if used on an UIElement with any other Background!

  • Rectangle: typeof UIRectangle

    Rectangular background.