Style class for describing a table of colors with associated lookup values (numbers).

Instances of LUT, like all LCJS style classes, are immutable, meaning that its setters don't modify the actual object, but instead return a completely new modified object.

Properties of LUT:

  • steps: List of color steps (color + number value pair).
  • interpolate: true enables automatic linear interpolation between color steps.

LUT Behavior:

Example 1, LUT with interpolation disabled.

 const lut = new LUT({
steps: [
{ value: 0, color: ColorRGBA( 0, 0, 0 ) },
{ value: 10, color: ColorRGBA( 255, 0, 0 ) },
{ value: 100, color: ColorRGBA( 0, 255, 0 ) }
interpolate: false
Lookup Value Color
value < 10 black
10 <= value < 100 red
100 <= value green

Example 2, LUT with interpolation enabled.

 const lut = new LUT({
steps: [
{ value: 0, color: ColorRGBA( 0, 0, 0 ) },
{ value: 10, color: ColorRGBA( 255, 0, 0 ) },
{ value: 100, color: ColorRGBA( 0, 255, 0 ) }
interpolate: true
Lookup Value Color
value <= 0 black
0 < value < 10 interpolated between black and red
10 < value < 100 interpolated between red and green

LUT Usage:

Use LUT with:

  • PalettedFill for styling series based on different lookup values (user supplied data, x/y/z coordinates, ...)
  • Sliced charts for styling slices dynamically based on their value


  • LUTRecord
    • LUT


  • Construct a LUT object, specifying any amount of its properties.

    Example 1, LUT with interpolation disabled.

     const lut = new LUT({
    steps: [
    { value: 0, color: ColorRGBA( 0, 0, 0 ) },
    { value: 10, color: ColorRGBA( 255, 0, 0 ) },
    { value: 100, color: ColorRGBA( 0, 255, 0 ) }
    interpolate: false

    Example 2, LUT with interpolation enabled.

     const lut = new LUT({
    steps: [
    { value: 0, color: ColorRGBA( 0, 0, 0 ) },
    { value: 10, color: ColorRGBA( 255, 0, 0 ) },
    { value: 100, color: ColorRGBA( 0, 255, 0 ) }
    interpolate: true


    Returns LUT


color: Color

Fallback color, which is used if LUT steps are defined as empty or defined incorrectly.

Default value: Black.

interpolate: boolean

Interpolation behavior of the LUT, which describes the distribution of color for the data:

  • True: LUT creates a gradient LUT using linear-interpolation (LERP) between colors, which were defined in the collection of steps.
  • False: LUT creates a uniform LUT using step-function for each color to describe the range of values where this color is used.

Default value: true.

isValid: boolean

Validation flag which describes that the LUT is configured correctly.

length: number

Amount of LUT steps.

max: number

Maximal value of the entire LUT.

min: number

Minimal value of the entire LUT.

percentageValues: boolean

Whether values represent percentages or explicit values.

This is a beta feature, which mainly means that it is not supported by all chart features yet. The most important features should have support for it:

  • Point series
  • Heatmap series
  • Surface series

This feature is currently not optimized for real-time applications where the value range may change frequently. Thus, if you are supplying data updates frequently, there is a large performance down side to having percentageValues enabled compared to disabled. This can be optimized in the future, so please contact your account manager if you have an use case where this is relevant.

 // Example of percentage LUT
const lut = new LUT({
interpolate: true,
percentageValues: true,
steps: [
{ value: 0, color: ColorCSS('black') }, // lowest value will be black
{ value: 1, color: ColorCSS('red') }, // highest value will be red
steps: LUTStep[]

The collection of LUTSteps, which specifies the colors and their corresponding values to describe the location and color of a transition point in a gradient. Each represented as a pair object {value: number, color: Color}.

Default value: [].

subranges: SubRange[]

Collection of subranges.

title: string

Title of the LUT, which describes the visualization.

Default value: Empty string.

type: "lut"
units: string

Units of the data-values in the LUT, which describes the data domain.

Default value: Empty string.


  • Get the color associated with the given value.


    const color = lut.getColors( 5 )


    Associated color if the LUT is valid, otherwise fallback color.


    • values: number

      Single value.

    Returns Color

  • Get the colors associated with the given collection of values.


    const colors = lut.getColors( [ 5, 10, 15 ] )


    Collection of associated colors if the LUT is valid, otherwise fallback colors.


    • values: number[]

      1D collection of value.

    Returns Color[]

  • Get the colors associated with the given collection Matrix2D of values.


    const colors = lut.getColors(
    [ 3, 7, 9 ],
    [ 5, 10, 15 ]


    Collection of associated colors if the LUT is valid, otherwise fallback colors.


    • values: number[][]

      2D collection of values.

    Returns Color[][]

  • Get fallback color of value the LUT.


    Color object.

    Returns Color

  • Get interpolation behavior of the LUT.


    Intepolation behaviour state. True - gradient, False - uniform.

    Returns boolean

  • Beta

    Get whether values represent percentages or explicit values.

    See percentageValues for more information.



    Returns boolean

  • Get collection of LUT steps.


    Collection of steps.

    Returns LUTStep[]

  • Get title of the LUT.


    Title of the LUT as string.

    Returns string

  • Get units of the LUT.


    Units of the LUT as string.

    Returns string

  • Set fallback color. The following color would be used as a backup. Meaning, the LUT might be configured incorrectly or the data is incorrect.


    • color: Color

      Color object.

    Returns LUT

  • Set interpolation behavior of the LUT, which describes the distribution of color for the data:

    • True: creates a gradient LUT using linear-interpolation (LERP) between colors, which were defined in the collection of steps.
    • False: creates a uniform LUT using step-function for each color to describe the range of values where this color is used.


    • interpolate: boolean

      Interpolation behavior: True - gradient, False - uniform.

    Returns LUT

  • Beta

    Set whether values represent percentages or explicit values.

    See percentageValues for more information.


    • percentageValues: boolean


    Returns LUT

  • Set new collection of LUT steps.


    • steps: LUTStep[]

      Collection of color-value pairs.

    Returns LUT

  • Set title of the LUT, which describes the data.


    • title: string

      Title of the LUT.

    Returns LUT

  • Set units of the data-values in the LUT, which describes the data domain.


    • units: string

      Units of the LUT.

    Returns LUT