Interface for minimum set of parameters required for adding charts / panels to a dashboard cell.

Example usage:

// 1x1 component at top left cell
{ columnIndex: 0, rowIndex: 0, columnSpan: 1, rowSpan: 1 }
// 4x1 component at top row
{ columnIndex: 0, rowIndex: 0, columnSpan: 4, rowSpan: 1 }



animationsEnabled?: boolean

Convenience flag that can be used to enable/disable all animations in a component.

columnIndex: number

Column index on dashboard (X location, 0 = left)

columnSpan?: number

Column span (X width), default = 1

disableAnimations?: boolean

Convenience flag that can be used to disable all animations in a component.


Deprecated in v5.0.0. Use animationsEnabled instead (note that value should be inverted from previous applications!)

rowIndex: number

Row index on dashboard (Y location, 0 = top)

rowSpan?: number

Row span (Y height), default = 1