The Gauge Chart with a single solid colored slice.

Solid Gauge extends Radial Gauge. Use GaugeChart.setAngleInterval(start: number, end: number)** to set angular appearance of the Chart.

Before setting the data, request the slice using GaugeChart.getDefaultSlice() Set data range using GaugeChart.setInterval(start: number, end: number) Set data using GaugeChart.setValue(value: number)




addLegendBox addUIElement dispose getAngleInterval getAnimationsEnabled getAutoScaling getBackgroundFillStyle getBackgroundStrokeStyle getDataLabelFillStyle getDataLabelFont getDataLabelFormatter getDefaultSlice getIntervalLabelFormatter getIntervalLabelPadding getIsInView getLegendBoxes getMinimumSize getPadding getSizePixels getTheme getTitle getTitleEffect getTitleFillStyle getTitleFont getTitleMargin getTitleRotation getTitleSize offAngleIntervalChange offBackgroundMouseClick offBackgroundMouseDoubleClick offBackgroundMouseDown offBackgroundMouseDrag offBackgroundMouseDragStart offBackgroundMouseDragStop offBackgroundMouseEnter offBackgroundMouseLeave offBackgroundMouseMove offBackgroundMouseTouchStart offBackgroundMouseUp offBackgroundMouseWheel offBackgroundTouchEnd offBackgroundTouchMove offDispose offInViewChange offResize onAngleIntervalChange onBackgroundMouseClick onBackgroundMouseDoubleClick onBackgroundMouseDown onBackgroundMouseDrag onBackgroundMouseDragStart onBackgroundMouseDragStop onBackgroundMouseEnter onBackgroundMouseLeave onBackgroundMouseMove onBackgroundMouseUp onBackgroundMouseWheel onBackgroundTouchEnd onBackgroundTouchMove onBackgroundTouchStart onDispose onInViewChange onResize saveToFile setAngleInterval setAnimationsEnabled setAutoScaling setBackgroundFillStyle setBackgroundStrokeStyle setDataLabelFillStyle setDataLabelFont setDataLabelFormatter setGaugeFillStyle setGaugeStrokeStyle setIntervalLabelFormatter setIntervalLabelPadding setLUT setPadding setThickness setTitle setTitleEffect setTitleFillStyle setTitleFont setTitleMargin setTitleRotation translateCoordinate


coordsClient: "client" = 'client'

Selector for "client" Coordinate System.

This references the coordinate system used in HTML. It starts at top left of the web page and is measured in pixels. For example, { x: 100, y: 20 } corresponds to 100 pixels from left and 20 pixels from top.

JavaScript events are tracked and HTML elements are positioned in the client coordinate system.

This selector can be used for translating client coordinates to other coordinate systems and vice versa. For example, in order to:

  • Position LCJS UI elements in client coordinates
  • Find client coordinate that matches a location along LCJS Axis or Chart.
  • etc.

See translateCoordinate for more detailed use case information and example usage.

coordsRelative: "relative" = 'relative'

Selector for "relative" Coordinate System.

This coordinate system is relative to the bottom left corner of the Control (chart/dashboard/etc.), and is measured as pixels. For example, { x: 100, y: 20 } corresponds to 100 pixels from left and 20 pixels from bottom.

This selector can be used for two purposes:

Positioning LCJS UI elements in pixels:

 // Position UI element in pixels by supplying `Control.coordsRelative` as its positioning system.
const textBox = Control.addUIElement(UIElementBuilders.TextBox, Control.coordsRelative)
.setPosition({ x: 100, y: 20 })

Translations between coordinate systems:

Use with translateCoordinate method to translate coordinates from "relative" to another coordinate system.

engine: PublicEngine

Interface for end user API of the LCJS engine. It provides some useful capabilities over the area enclosed by a single LCJS context (which can be just a single chart, or a Dashboard with several charts).

pixelScale: LinearScaleXY

Scale for panel area in pixels.


Deprecated since v4.2.0. Use coordsRelative instead. It works exactly the same.

removePanel: ((panel: Panel) => void)

Type declaration

    • (panel: Panel): void
    • Parameters

      Returns void

uiScale: LinearScaleXY

Scale for panel area in percentages (0-100).

While it is not functionally equal to this, using coordsRelative coordinate system is preferred (more confidence for long term support).


  • Add a legendbox.

    Legendbox is a type of UI element, that floats inside the chart/component it is created inside. It can be freely moved around with user interactions, as well as positioned in application code.

    The purpose of legendbox is to describe the series and other visual components of the chart, by displaying their names and colors. Hovering over a series' legendbox entry will highlight that series, and clicking on the entry will toggle that series' visibility.

    Legendbox alignment:

    Alignment of legendbox can be selected by supplying one of the available LegendBoxBuilders to addLegendBox:

     // Default (vertical) LegendBox.
    const legendBox = ChartXY.addLegendBox()

    // Horizontal LegendBox.
    const horizontalLegendBox = ChartXY.addLegendBox(LegendBoxBuilders.HorizontalLegendBox)

    Custom Legendbox positioning:

    By default LegendBoxes are placed on the right side, or bottom of the chart (depending on alignment).

    A custom location can be configured with UIElement API:

    Position coordinate system is specified when creating legendbox.

    1. LegendBox with default positioning coordinate system.
     addLegendBox( LegendBoxBuilders.VerticalLegendBox )
    // Position = [0, 100] as percentages.
    .setPosition({ x: 50, y: 50 })
    1. Position in pixel coordinate system.
     addLegendBox( LegendBoxBuilders.VerticalLegendBox, chart.coordsRelative )
    // Position = pixels.
    .setPosition({ x: 300, y: 100 })
    1. Position on Axes.
     addLegendBox( LegendBoxBuilders.VerticalLegendBox, { x: chartXY.getDefaultAxisX(), y: chartXY.getDefaultAxisY() } )
    // Position = Axis values.
    .setPosition({ x: 5, y: 5 })




    • builder: UILegendBoxBuilder<InternalBackground> = _legendBoxBuilder

      LegendBoxBuilder. If omitted, VerticalLegendBox will be selected. Use LegendBoxBuilders for selection.

    • scale: UserScaleDefinition = ...

      Optional parameter for altering the coordinate system used for positioning the LegendBox. Defaults to whole Chart in percentages [0, 100].

    Returns LegendBox<UIBackground>

  • Add a stand-alone UIElement using a builder.

    Example usage:

    1. TextBox with default positioning coordinate system.
     addUIElement( UIElementBuilders.TextBox )
    // Position = [0, 100] as percentages.
    .setPosition({ x: 50, y: 50 })
    1. Position in pixel coordinate system.
     addUIElement( UIElementBuilders.TextBox, chart.coordsRelative )
    // Position = pixels.
    .setPosition({ x: 300, y: 100 })
    1. Position on Axes.
     addUIElement( UIElementBuilders.TextBox, { x: chartXY.getDefaultAxisX(), y: chartXY.getDefaultAxisY() } )
    // Position = Axis values.
    .setPosition({ x: 5, y: 5 })


    Object that fulfills interfaces: UIElementType (typeparam) and UIElement

    Type Parameters


    • builder: UIElementBuilder<UIElementType> = ...

      UIElementBuilder. If omitted, TextBoxBuilder will be selected. Use UIElementBuilders for selection.

    • scale: UserScaleDefinition = ...

      Optional parameter for altering the coordinate system used for positioning the UIElement. Defaults to whole Chart in percentages [0, 100].

    Returns UIElementType & UIElement

  • Permanently destroy the component.

    To fully allow Garbage-Collection to free the resources used by the component, make sure to remove any references to the component and its children in application code.

    let chart = ...ChartXY()
    let axisX = chart.getDefaultAxisX()
    // Dispose Chart, and remove all references so that they can be garbage-collected.
    chart = undefined
    axisX = undefined


    Object itself for fluent interface

    Returns SolidGauge

  • Get animations disable/enable state.


    Animations default state.

    Returns boolean

  • Get the current state of the Auto Scaling mode.


    True - autofit is enabled, otherwise - False.

    Returns boolean

  • Get Fill Style of Gauge Data Label.


    FillStyle object

    Returns FillStyle

  • Get font of Gauge Data Label.


    FontSettings object for gauge data label.

    Returns FontSettings

  • Get padding around Chart in pixels.


    Padding datastructure

    Returns number

  • Find if chart is currently considered to be in the browser viewport.


    true when panel is in view

    Returns boolean

  • Get size of control as pixels.

    For stand-alone component, the size will be equal to the size of its containing HTML <div> (Control.engine.container)

    For component inside Dashboard, the size will only include the component itself, so size can be less than the size of containing HTML <div>.


    Object with x and y properties { x: number, y: number }, where both are pixel values.

    Returns Point

  • Returns the Theme currently being used.


    An object containing the Theme.

    Returns Theme

  • Get text of Chart title.


    Chart title as a string.

    Returns string

  • Get theme effect enabled on component or disabled.

    A theme can specify an Effect to add extra visual oomph to chart applications, like Glow effects around data or other components. Whether this effect is drawn above a particular component can be configured using the setEffect method.

     // Example, disable theme effect from a particular component.

    For the most part, theme effects are enabled by default on most components.

    Theme effect is configured with effect property.


    Boolean that describes whether drawing the theme effect is enabled around the component or not.

    Returns boolean

  • Get rotation of Chart title.


    Rotation in degrees

    Returns number

  • Get Chart title size.

    This depends on current title content, font and style.


    Size of Chart title in pixels

    Returns Point

  • Remove listener with provided token.


    True if the listener is successfully removed and false if it is not found.


    • token: Token

      Token of the listener.

    Returns boolean

  • Remove subscription from mouse-click event on Chart background


    True if the listener is successfully removed and false if it is not found


    • token: Token

      Event listener

    Returns boolean

  • Remove subscription from mouse-doubleClick event on Chart background


    True if the listener is successfully removed and false if it is not found


    • token: Token

      Event listener

    Returns boolean

  • Remove subscription from mouse-down event on Chart background


    True if the listener is successfully removed and false if it is not found


    • token: Token

      Event listener

    Returns boolean

  • Remove subscription from mouse-drag event on Chart background


    True if the listener is successfully removed and false if it is not found


    • token: Token

      Event listener

    Returns boolean

  • Remove subscription from mouse-dragStart event on Chart background


    True if the listener is successfully removed and false if it is not found


    • token: Token

      Event listener

    Returns boolean

  • Remove subscription from mouse-dragStop event on Chart background


    True if the listener is successfully removed and false if it is not found


    • token: Token

      Event listener

    Returns boolean

  • Remove subscription from mouse-enter event on Chart background


    True if the listener is successfully removed and false if it is not found


    • token: Token

      Event listener

    Returns boolean

  • Remove subscription from mouse-leave event on Chart background


    True if the listener is successfully removed and false if it is not found


    • token: Token

      Event listener

    Returns boolean

  • Remove subscription from mouse-move event on Chart background


    True if the listener is successfully removed and false if it is not found


    • token: Token

      Event listener

    Returns boolean

  • Remove subscription from touch-start event on Chart background


    True if the listener is successfully removed and false if it is not found


    • token: Token

      Event listener

    Returns boolean

  • Remove subscription from mouse-up event on Chart background


    True if the listener is successfully removed and false if it is not found


    • token: Token

      Event listener

    Returns boolean

  • Remove subscription from mouse-wheel event on Chart background


    True if the listener is successfully removed and false if it is not found


    • token: Token

      Event listener

    Returns boolean

  • Remove subscription from touch-end event on Panel background


    True if the listener is successfully removed and false if it is not found


    • token: Token

      Event listener

    Returns boolean

  • Remove subscription from touch-move event on Chart background


    True if the listener is successfully removed and false if it is not found


    • token: Token

      Event listener

    Returns boolean

  • Remove event listener from dispose event.


    True if the listener is successfully removed and false if it is not found


    • token: Token

      Token of event listener which has to be removed

    Returns boolean

  • Remove event listener from inViewChange event.


    True if the listener is successfully removed and false if it is not found


    • token: Token

      Token of event listener which has to be removed

    Returns boolean

  • Remove event listener from resize event.


    True if the listener is successfully removed and false if it is not found


    • token: Token

      Token of event listener which has to be removed

    Returns boolean

  • Subscribe onDispose event. This event is triggered whenever the Control (Dashboards and all chart types) is disposed.

     // Example usage

    Chart.onDispose(() => {
    console.log('chert was disposed')



    Token of subscription


    Returns Token

  • Subscribe to inViewChange event. This event is triggered when the chart transitions from being off-screen to being on-screen and vice versa.


    Token of subscription


    • handler: ((obj: this, inView: boolean) => void)
        • (obj: this, inView: boolean): void
        • Parameters

          • obj: this
          • inView: boolean

          Returns void

    Returns Token

  • Subscribe to resize event. This event is triggered whenever the area of chart changes (due to document or dashboard resizing).

     // Example usage,
    ChartXY.onResize((chart, width, height, engineWidth, engineHeight) => {
    console.log('Chart resized', 'width', width, 'height', height, 'engineWidth', engineWidth, 'engineHeight', engineHeight)


    Token of subscription


    • handler: ((obj: SolidGauge, width: number, height: number, engineWidth: number, engineHeight: number) => void)

      Handler function for event

        • (obj: SolidGauge, width: number, height: number, engineWidth: number, engineHeight: number): void
        • Parameters

          • obj: SolidGauge
          • width: number
          • height: number
          • engineWidth: number
          • engineHeight: number

          Returns void

    Returns Token

  • Capture rendered state in an image file. Prompts the browser to download the created file.

    NOTE: The download might be blocked by browser/plugins as harmful. To prevent this, only call the method in events tied to user-interactions. From mouse-event handlers, for example.

    Has two optional parameters which directly reference JavaScript API HTMLCanvasElement.toDataURL. For supported image formats, compression quality, Etc. refer to:

    Example usage:

    // Download 'screenshot.png'
    // Attempt download 'maybeNotSupported.bmp'
    Panel.saveToFile('maybeNotSupported', 'image/bmp')
    // Attempt download jpeg.file with specified compression quality
    Panel.saveToFile('fileName', 'image/jpeg', 0.50)


    If 'type' is not supported by browser, an Error will be thrown.


    • fileName: string

      Name of prompted download file as string. File extension shouldn't be included as it is automatically detected from 'type'-argument.

    • Optional type: string

      A DOMString indicating the image format. The default format type is image/png.

    • Optional encoderOptions: number

      A Number between 0 and 1 indicating the image quality to use for image formats that use lossy compression such as image/jpeg and image/webp. If this argument is anything else, the default value for image quality is used. The default value is 0.92.

    Returns SolidGauge

  • Set angular interval of the gauge in degrees.


    Gauge itself for fluent interface.


    • start: number

      Start angle of the gauge in degrees.

    • end: number

      End angle of the gauge in degrees.

    Returns SolidGauge

  • Disable/Enable all animations of the Chart.


    Chart itself for fluent interface.


    • animationsEnabled: boolean

      Boolean value to enable or disable animations.

    Returns SolidGauge

  • Set the Auto Scaling mode enabled or disabled.


    Gauge itself for fluent interface.


    • state: boolean

      True - autofit is enabled, otherwise - False.

    Returns SolidGauge

  • Set FillStyle of chart background.

     // Example usage,
    ChartXY.setBackgroundFillStyle(new SolidFill({ color: ColorRGBA( 80, 0, 0 ) }))

    Related API:

    • Use SolidFill to describe a solid fill color.
    • Use ColorRGBA to create a color from Red, Green, Blue (and optionally) Alpha values in range [0, 255].

    Transparent chart backgrounds:

    LightningChart JS charts can be configured to be fully or partially transparent.

     // Example, partially transparent chart

    // Engine background exists under all LCJS components. In case of Dashboard, there is only 1 shared engine background.
    // Chart background covers every 1 chart. In case of Dashboard, every chart has its own chart background.
    chart.setBackgroundFillStyle(new SolidFill({ color: ColorRGBA(0, 0, 0, 100) }))
    // Some charts also have a separate series background.
    chart.setSeriesBackgroundFillStyle(new SolidFill({ color: ColorRGBA(0, 0, 0, 100) }))


    Object itself


    Returns SolidGauge

  • Set padding between Gauge and interval labels in pixels.


    Gauge itself for fluent interface.


    • padding: number

      Number with pixel margin

    Returns SolidGauge

  • Set lookup table.

    Example usage:

    // Gauge slice color depending on value
    SolidGauge.setLUT(new LUT ( { steps: [ { value: 0, color: ColorRGBA( 0, 0, 0 ) },
    { value: 500, color: ColorRGBA( 12, 213, 87 ) } ],
    interpolate: true })


    Gauge itself for fluent interface


    • Optional lut: LUT

      Lookup table |

    Returns SolidGauge

  • Set padding around Chart in pixels.

     // Example 1, specify complete padding (four sides).
    ChartXY.setPadding({ left: 16, right: 16, top: 32, bottom: 8 })
     // Example 2, specify only single padding.
    ChartXY.setPadding({ right: 64 })


    Object itself


    • padding: number | Partial<Margin>

      Number with pixel margins for all sides or datastructure with individual pixel paddings for each side. Any side can be omitted, only passed values will be overridden.

    Returns SolidGauge

  • Set thickness of the gauge.


    Gauge itself for fluent interface.


    • thickness: number

    Returns SolidGauge

  • Set text of Chart title.


    Object itself for fluent interface.


    • title: string

      Chart title as a string.

    Returns SolidGauge

  • Set theme effect enabled on component or disabled.

    A theme can specify an Effect to add extra visual oomph to chart applications, like Glow effects around data or other components. Whether this effect is drawn above a particular component can be configured using the setEffect method.

     // Example, disable theme effect from a particular component.

    For the most part, theme effects are enabled by default on most components.

    Theme effect is configured with effect property.


    Object itself.


    • enabled: boolean

      Theme effect enabled

    Returns SolidGauge

  • Specifies padding after chart title.

    This does not have an effect if title is hidden (empty FillStyle).

     // Example 2, specify margins for all sides with same value for Title.


    Chart itself for fluent interface


    • marginPixels: number | Partial<Margin>

      Gap after the chart title in pixels.

    Returns SolidGauge

  • Translate a coordinate in HTML client coordinate system to relative coordinates within the component.

     const locationClient = { clientX: document.body.clientWidth * 0.2, clientY: document.body.clientHeight * 0.5 }
    const locationRelative = chart.translateCoordinate(locationClient, chart.coordsRelative)
    // locationRelative is in pixels relative to bottom left corner of the chart

    Relative coordinates can be used for positioning LightningChart JS UI components:

     const textBox = chart.addUIElement(UIElementBuilders.TextBox, chart.coordsRelative)
    // Left bottom of TextBox is positioned 20 pixels right and 20 pixels up from charts bottom left corner
    .setPosition({ x: 20, y: 20 })

    NOTE: Currently coordinate translations can't be guaranteed to be in sync with latest updates to charts. For example, if you change axis interval, or add data to a series, you need to wait for 1 frame to be displayed before translateCoordinate will behave as expected.

    requestAnimationFrame(() => {
    // translateCoordinate should now consider data added just now.

    Type Parameters

    • T extends "relative"


    Returns T extends "relative" ? CoordinateXY : never

  • Translate a coordinate from relative control coordinates to HTML client coordinate system.

     // 10 pixels left and 20 pixels up from controls bottom left corner
    const locationRelative = { x: 10, y: 20 }
    const locationClient = chart.translateCoordinate(locationRelative, chart.coordsRelative, chart.coordsClient)

    Client coordinates can be used to absolute position HTML elements using CSS, for example. = 'absolute' = locationClient.clientX = locationClient.clientY

    NOTE: Currently coordinate translations can't be guaranteed to be in sync with latest updates to charts. For example, if you change axis interval, or add data to a series, you need to wait for 1 frame to be displayed before translateCoordinate will behave as expected.

    requestAnimationFrame(() => {
    // translateCoordinate should now consider data added just now.

    Type Parameters

    • T extends "client"


    • coordinate: CoordinateXY
    • srcCoordinateSystem: "relative"
    • targetCoordinateSystem: T

    Returns T extends "client" ? CoordinateClient : never