Interface to define secondary miscellaneous properties of a LUT.


  • ValuePaletteOptions


color: Color

Fallback color, which is used if LUT steps are defined as empty or defined incorrectly.

Default value: Black.

interpolate: boolean

Interpolation behavior of the LUT, which describes the distribution of color for the data:

  • True: LUT creates a gradient LUT using linear-interpolation (LERP) between colors, which were defined in the collection of steps.
  • False: LUT creates a uniform LUT using step-function for each color to describe the range of values where this color is used.

Default value: true.

percentageValues: boolean

Whether values represent percentages or explicit values.

This is a beta feature, which mainly means that it is not supported by all chart features yet. The most important features should have support for it:

  • Point series
  • Heatmap series
  • Surface series

This feature is currently not optimized for real-time applications where the value range may change frequently. Thus, if you are supplying data updates frequently, there is a large performance down side to having percentageValues enabled compared to disabled. This can be optimized in the future, so please contact your account manager if you have an use case where this is relevant.

 // Example of percentage LUT
const lut = new LUT({
interpolate: true,
percentageValues: true,
steps: [
{ value: 0, color: ColorCSS('black') }, // lowest value will be black
{ value: 1, color: ColorCSS('red') }, // highest value will be red
title: string

Title of the LUT, which describes the visualization.

Default value: Empty string.

units: string

Units of the data-values in the LUT, which describes the data domain.

Default value: Empty string.