Properties of a TickStyle.


  • TickStyleProperties


gridStrokeLength: number

Length of GridStroke, where 1 = full and 0 = zero.

gridStrokeStyle: LineStyle

Style of GridStroke as a SolidLine object.

labelAlignment: number

Horizontal alignment of Label respective to tick line.

left: -1

center: 0

right: +1

labelFillStyle: FillStyle

FillStyle of Label.

labelFont: FontSettings

Font of Label as FontSettings.

labelPadding: number

Padding after label as pixels.

labelRotation: number

Label rotation in degrees.

tickLength: number

Length of Tick itself as pixels.

tickPadding: number

Padding after Tick as pixels.

tickStyle: LineStyle

Style of Tick itself as a SolidLine object.

type: "tick-style"