JavaScript Histogram of Gaussian Distribution.

Example showcasing LightningChart Histogram visualization using Bar Chart.

Bar Chart can be used as a histogram by calculating the bins manually using the following function:

const calculateHistogramBins = (data, numberOfBins) => {
    const minValue = Math.min(
    const maxValue = Math.max(
    const binSize = (maxValue - minValue) / numberOfBins

    // Calculate bin intervals
    const bins = []
    for (let i = 0; i < numberOfBins; i++) {
        const binStart = minValue + i * binSize
        const binEnd = minValue + (i + 1) * binSize
            binStart: parseFloat(binStart.toFixed(2)),
            binEnd: parseFloat(binEnd.toFixed(2)),
            values: Array(),
    bins[numberOfBins - 1].binEnd = maxValue

    // Map data to bins
    data.forEach((value) => {
        const binIndex = Math.floor((value - minValue) / binSize)
        if (binIndex >= 0 && binIndex < numberOfBins) {

    // Create input data for bar chart
    const barChartData = []
    bins.forEach((interval) => {
            category: `${(interval.binStart + (interval.binStart === minValue ? 0 : 0.01)).toFixed(2)}${
                interval.binEnd < 0 ? `(${interval.binEnd.toFixed(2)})` : interval.binEnd.toFixed(2)
            value: interval.values.length,
    return barChartData

In this example, a normally distributed dataset is generated by the Box–Muller transform method:

const generateGaussianRandom = (length) => {
    const samples = []
    for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
        let u = 0,
            v = 0,
            s = 0
        while (s === 0 || s >= 1) {
            u = Math.random() * 2 - 1
            v = Math.random() * 2 - 1
            s = u * u + v * v
        const temp = Math.sqrt((-2 * Math.log(s)) / s)
        const sample = u * temp
    return samples

In order to preserve the bell curve shape, automatic sorting has to be turned off by barChart.setSorting(BarChartSorting.Disabled)

The number of histogram bins can be changed dynamically by the user using the HTML number input. The chart updates automatically from these interactions.