JavaScript Grouped Bars Chart

Also known as Multi-set / Clustered Bar Chart

This example shows creation of a Grouped Bar Chart made on user side with BarChart.
This is a variation of normal Bar Chart where groups of bars are spaced apart from each other for further categorizing.

Here's the creation of a Grouped Bar Chart using a pre-defined interface.

// Create Chart.
const barChart = lightningChart().BarChart()

// Add categories('Finland', 'Germany', 'UK) and subCategory & values.
    ['Finland', 'Germany', 'UK'],
        { subCategory: 'Engineers', values: [48, 27, 24] },
        { subCategory: 'Sales', values: [19, 40, 14] },
        { subCategory: 'Marketing', values: [33, 33, 62] },