Temperature Variations JavaScript Chart - Editor

The example shows the basic usage of Area Range series to display variation in temperature.

Range charts are generally used to show variations (low & high) simultaneously in the given period.

// Create a new ChartXY.
const chart = lightningChart().ChartXY()

// Add an area series with bipolar direction using default X and Y axes.
const areaRange = chart.addAreaRangeSeries()

The series accepts AreaPoint type of points either as an object in format
{ position: number, high: number, low: number },

series.add({ position: 20, high: 45, low: -20 })

or via a factory that should be additionally imported.

series.add(AreaPoint(20, 45, -20))

Any number of points can be added with a single call.

// Single point.
series.add({ position: 20, high: 45, low: -20 })

// Multiple points at once.
    { position: 20, high: 45, low: -20 },
    { position: 40, high: 95, low: 10 },
    { position: 60, high: 25, low: 60 },