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SampleDataSeries start point

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 7:22 pm
by disposer
When I feed data to SampleDataSeries, I want first sample start from second 30
I set
chart.AxisX.SetRange(30, 20),
chart.AxisX.ScrollPosition = 30,
chartChartView.SampleDataSerie[0].FirstSampleTimeStamp = 30 then feed data,

but chart still feed data from second 0 not from second 30

Is there any way to set start point?

Re: SampleDataSeries start point

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 7:37 am
by ArctionJari
You have set X axis range's minimum to 30 and maximum to 20. That is the first thing to fix. I.e. minimum cannot be larger than maximum.

FirstSampleTimeStamp has to be 1/SamplingFrequency + 30.0 in your case.

You don't need to set ScrollPosition when initializing the chart. It needs to be set when the latest sample's timestamp is greater then X axis maximum (i.e. new data goes outside the view).

Re: SampleDataSeries start point

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 6:26 pm
by disposer
My bad.
Thx, it worked